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Bulevardul Revoluției 96A, Arad, Romania, Timisoara / Temesvar
Biserica Catolică „Sf. Anton de Padova” - Catholic church in Timisoara / Temesvar, Romania
Beautiful arhitecture
Catedrala mea preferata!
Csodálatos templom.
Grate place to visit, beautiful architecture.
O catedrala deosebita cu o arhitectura superba, la fel ca foarte, foarte multe cladiri din acest oras!
Must see
A saint place for people who wants to pray
Big catolica in the city center
Die Arader römisch-katholische Minoritenkirche wurde 1902 bis 1904 nach Plänen des bekannten Architekten serbischer Herkunft Emil Tabakovits gebaut. Sie ersetzte die Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts errichtete, baufällig gewordene und 1901-1903 abgerissene Barockkirche der Minoriten, die die katholische Bevölkerung der Stadt Arad betreuten. Im Stile des Neobarock gebaut, beeindruckt die Kirche, im Volksmund auch als „Arader katholische Kathedrale“ bekannt, vor allem durch den Tympanon mit einer Pietà, dem Kranzgesims mit den bekrönenden Putten und der Kuppel. Die Innenausstattung behält noch einige der Originalgemälde des Wiener Malers Schiessl, die die abgetragene Kirche geziert hatten.
Absolutely magnificent 💜 Great architecture and awesome place of silence, remembrance and repentance 🙏🙌❤
Este foarte frumoasă. De mic copil îmi plăcea să merg de Crăciun acolo!
Cladirea e minunata!In interior mi se pare o "atmosfera trista"....In Casa Domnului ar trebui sa fie bucurie si "inaltare sufleteasca"!
Situata in centrul Aradului, constructie a calugarilor minoriti, loc incarcat de istorie, cultura si dragoste de semeni.Cand vizitati orasul Arad, nu ocoliti acest loc.
O cladire cu o arhitectura deosebita.Merita sa fie vizitata.
Spectacular architecture!
Nice place to raise ur spirit
Este o biserică minunată, nu foarte mare curata,tot timpul reînnoit,si cu un preot deosebit care face ca slujbele care tin 1 oră ,sa t.i se para si mai putin.Este o placere sa intri în ea și sa te rogi.
Blessed place
Ca toate bisericile din orasele vechi, este incadrata de cladiri civile. In acest caz, locuinte.
In stile eclettico, grandioso luogo di culto, estremamente favorevole alla preghiera e/o alla meditazione.Purtroppo non cè accesso per i disabili ,per questo le ****
Great place to visit, amazing architecture and a piece of history. Needs a wash on the outside
Its magnificent
Go married there
Jó érzés volt ott lenni.
Likely place
Lovely place to be!
Place of worship, place of peace.
Biserca foarte frumoasa pentru o nunta ca in povesti.
Beautiful church with very interesting architecture. Great place to catch a bit of multiculturalism from Transylvania.
Dissapointing, sade interior due to stupid decision to put at the very entrance a steel fence up to the ceiling to block belivers entrance to the church for praying during day time. They keep the inerior in full darkness!Havent seen, in the word, any church at such an antichristian attitude, blocking belivers and turists to be inside to the church for praying and to visit ìt.
Very beautiful place.
Positive energies all arround. Instant cleaning when you step inside. Is a very good place.
interesting and stylish place
Un locaș de cult de. a dreptului extraordinar
A wonder of architecture
Egy gyönyörű templom.Remek stílusban van építve és gyönyörű freskókkal van díszítve.
🗣 I hope there are more priests in the church! The one I have met, had huge problem reading, and did a shameful ceremony! This is unacceptable! Rating is not for the church its for the priest 👈
Superbă ca și arhitectură, este locul unde spui o rugăciune, vorbesti cu tine si cu Dumnezeu.
Very beautiful chorus in romanian language. Every Saturday at 12:00-13:00
Friendly and pleasant church. I like going here.
It is ok
Great place
Jesus is waiting for you at the door . Literally .
Beautiful, but need renovation.
Bulevardul Revoluției 96A, Arad, Romania, Timisoara / Temesvar
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